7 Reasons IPods Rock ...


7 Reasons IPods Rock ...
7 Reasons IPods Rock ...

I love my iPod. Notice I didn’t say “my MP3 player.” That’s because I’m completely brand loyal to my iPod, and will probably never buy anything other than another iPod to replace it. Why am I so loyal, so confident in my adoration of my iPod? Here are 7 reasons iPods rock.

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The Beatles!

After, what? Ten years? The Beatles catalog is now available on iTunes, and while this means a lot to me, a fan, it’s even more important to the generation of music lovers before me, many of whom haven’t really even considered buying an iPod before now. A case in point: my mother, whom has never said she wanted anything, is begging for an iPod for Christmas, so she can re-live her youth listening to the Fab Four.



iPods are available in a range of cool colors, from sleek grey, black, and silver to candy-hued pink, blue, yellow, and green, and even AIDS-awareness red. To me, a total artsy type, this is important. I don’t want a cold, clinical black iPod. I want PINK! Or ORANGE! Or BRIGHT BLUE! Yeah!


An IPod for Every User and Occasion

My boyfriend, the techie, loves his iPod Touch. My daughter, who is a music junkie, has an iPod Nano. I have a tiny Shuffle for using at the gym. Whatever your need, or the occasion, or your style, there’s an iPod for you. They have different physical sizes, different capabilities, and different storage space capabilities.


Sound Quality

The sound quality from my iPod is magnificent. Once in a while, I’ll download a song that sounds tinny or distorted on my iPod, but all of the songs I download from iTunes are perfect.



There are so many types of files you can store and play on your iPod, from game and apps to music and videos and movies and MORE! You can even store addresses, which to me is a big deal, because I loathe my old, outdated paper address book.



There are so many things my iPod can do besides just play music or video. There’s a video camera, an attachment to my Nike shoes (to track my fitness), and countless apps that can make my iPod do even more. How versatile!



I’ve already mentioned apps twice, but there truly is an app for everything. Translate a foreign language. Play the pan flute. Calculate a tip. Buy movie tickets. Figure out what song that is from that Target commercial. Remind yourself to buy cat food, or just BUY the cat food. Oh, and the GAMES. Trust me, there’s an app for everything. EVERYTHING!

Would you say I’m devoted to my iPod? These are only a few of the reasons I’m so loyal, but I’m sure there are some people who would add even more. Do you love your iPod? Why or why not? What apps or features are you addicted to? How does your iPod rock? Please let me know!

Top Photo Credit: OakHead

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