Are Apps Ruining Your Relationship?

By Vanessa3 Comments

Nowadays, it seems like there's an app for just about anything and everything. Well, turns out that for every 'dating' app designed to help build relationships, there's an app to destroy them.

Apps have definitely limited our ability to interact with people face to face. In fact, most of these apps are designed so that you don't have to see anyone in person - you can communicate through the app! Relationships have been losing their romance and it's because of apps like these:

1 BroApp

BroApp On iTunes at:
Price: $0.99

Ladies, if your man has this app on his phone, it is not a good sign. The app is designed to be a guy's 'relationship wingman,' and allows them to send automated texts to their significant other. Really?!

Frequently asked questions

2 Breakup Text

Breakup Text On iTunes at:
Price: $0.99

This is exactly what it sounds like... it's an app to help someone formulate a break up text! Sigh. If you really want to break up with someone, at least have the decency to do it in person. Break up texts are beyond cowardly!

3 Tinder

Tinder On iTunes at:
Price: Free

If you're single and looking for friends, hookups, or whatever else, feel free to download the app. However, you'd be amazed at just how many people (in relationships) have this app on their phone. It's never a good idea - the app makes you sign in through Facebook and chances are, you'll run into someone on the app with mutual friends as you. It's only a matter of time before someone gets caught! If you have a significant other, this app is not for you.

Unfortunately, there are so many other apps that are killing romantic relationships. Has yours been ruined by one?

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